UICC Connect

Friday, 6 September 2024

Introducing UICC Connect

The global online community for cancer control professionals

UICC Connect is a new knowledge sharing and community platform enabling cancer control professionals worldwide to connect, exchange knowledge, and support each other online. Initially opened to a smaller group of users in October 2023 to gather early feedback, the platform is now being released to the wider UICC membership as its go-to space for dialogue, learning, and collaboration.

Join discussion rooms to find information and exchange with UICC members on common areas of work.

Explore thematic channels to discover the latest content from your fellow users.

Consult the directory to identify and connect with other experts and peers.

Coming soon to UICC Connect

UICC Connect will also enable users to access UICC online courses. To inaugurate the new platform, three courses developed in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) will be released over the next three months:

  • The Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer foundational course – September 2024
  • The Global Breast Cancer Initiative foundational course – October 2024
  • The Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative foundational course – November 2024

UICC Connect
Connect • Learn • Share • Shape • Solve